Fabricated Plastic Components

Looking for a quality and value minded provider of fabricated plastic components? Look no further than Insul-Fab. We offer a variety of materials and fabrication techniques to make custom products backed by our history of outstanding service and a strong quality program.
The diverse capabilities in our production facilities can provide thermoformed parts, precision machined plastics, and fabrication of plastic film and sheet. Our engineers are ready to discuss your next project and can receive CAD data in virtually any format.
Thermoformed Plastics

Heated and formed plastic sheet, foam, and fiber on tooling produced in-house. Covers, panels, and trays.
Precision Machined Plastics

Small to large parts produced in a climate controlled facility on multi-axis CNC routers and milling centers.
Plastic Sheet & Film Fabrication

CNC router, laser, and die cutting of sheet and film plastics. Insulation, panels, windows, and shields.
RF & Heat Sealed Plastics

Medical therapeutic devices and fluid bags, inflatables, pouches, and enclosures made using RF and heat welding processes.